If you’re looking to have a breast augmentation in Barrington, you might be nervous about what to expect post-surgery. Breast augmentation may seem like a scary, daunting procedure, but your end results will justify the process. Here’s what to expect during the recovery process.
Immediately After Surgery
After waking up, you’ll be taken into a recovery room to be monitored. Your breasts will be wrapped in gauze dressings and an elastic bandage to help support your chest. This will help minimize swelling and support your breasts while they start their healing process. Your doctor will walk you through any medication instructions and help you set up a follow-up appointment. After about an hour or so, you’ll be discharged to head home as long as you’re stable.
In the Days Following Surgery
Expect to wear your supportive bandeau around-the-clock as instructed by your surgeon. Whether you clean your stitches yourself or leave your bandages on, make sure you ask your doctor for proper care. You’ll want to take it easy for the first several days post-op, as bleeding into the pockets around your implants is a possibility. Within 1-5 days, the acute pain will likely subside. Expect to be sore and possibly swell for a few weeks after the surgery.
If You Have Questions, Contact Your Doctor
Everyone’s body heals differently, so your healing timeline will be unique. Never hesitate to contact your doctor if you have questions; we want to ensure your breast augmentation in Barrington goes as smoothly as possible!
Source: PlasticSurgery.org