Following massive weight loss, you feel healthier and more confident and can’t wait to finally show off your thinner frame, however, excess skin may be preventing you from doing so.
Thankfully, body contouring surgery in Itasca with plastic surgeon Dr. Brad Ashpole can get you looking great on the outside to match what you feel on the inside. Also known as a body lift, Dr. Ashpole customizes body contouring surgery to the individual needs and desired results of each patient.
Who Is A Good Candidate For Body Contouring Procedures?
Body contouring surgery can address excess loose and sagging skin and irregular contours of the:
- Tummy or abdominal area
- Buttocks
- Thighs
- Groin area
- Upper arms
Body contouring surgery can improve the shape and tone of the underlying tissue that supports fat and skin. Excess skin is removed and dimpled, irregular skin can be improved. Body lifts are not intended strictly for the removal of excess fat. As each patient has a different amount of skin to be removed as well as different body proportions, the procedures Dr. Ashpole performs for body contouring vary. At your consultation, he will discuss with you your desired results and recommend a surgical plan to help achieve them.
Body contouring surgery is appropriate for people with massive weight loss that cannot get rid of excess skin. For women who considering future pregnancies, it may be preferable to postpone abdominal body lift (tummy tuck) since pregnancy following the procedure may diminish results. Body contouring surgery may be performed on adults of any age who have realistic goals in mind for improvement of their body contour.
What Are The Recovery Steps?
Following surgery, Dr. Ashpole will prescribe medication to help alleviate post-operative swelling and discomfort. Your total recovery may take up to six weeks, during which time you will be expected to wear the compression garment issued to you after surgery. This will help control swelling as well as maintain your new body shape as you heal. Though the scars from your surgery will fade over time, they may not disappear completely. However, most patients accept this as a welcome trade-off to the loose, hanging skin that was once around their lower body.
Body Contouring Surgery