If you aren’t happy with a certain part of your appearance, why not consider a cosmetic procedure to transform your confidence? Breast augmentation in Itasca is a simple way to boost your confidence and improve the shape, size or position of your breasts. Our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Bradley Ashpole, will meet with you to discuss your goals and answer your questions so you feel confident in your breast augmentation procedure.
If you’ve been on the fence about whether or not a breast augmentation is for you, consider the following reasons.
Achieve Symmetry
Having one breast that is larger than the other can cause insecurities and cause your clothing to fit weirdly. Breast implants in Itasca, Il can help create more symmetry between your breasts. Whether you need a single silicone implant or you want to get both breasts augmented, Dr. Ashpole will help you achieve your ideal results.
Improve Porportions
If your breasts are naturally unproportionate to the rest of your body, a breast augmentation can help create more balance. Some women may choose to help even out their proportions after breastfeeding if it causes their breasts to become smaller, often one surgery that’s part of a mommy makeover.
Improve Clothing Fit
Breasts have a large impact on how your clothes fit. A breast augmentation or breast lift can help improve the fit of your tops and give you additional clothing options when you return to work after your surgery.
What About the Logistics?
You may be wondering if we offer financing options to help make your surgery more affordable. The answer is yes! Breast augmentation Chicago payment plans are an ideal way for you to achieve the results you want without being financially stressed. We work with financing companies such as CareCredit and Alpheon to help you achieve monthly payments on your credit card.
Schedule a Consultation Today
If you’re ready to explore plastic surgery as an option to improve your confidence from the inside out, we’d love to hear from you! Get started with a consultation today.