Cosmetic Surgery Itasca IL

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Breast Reduction – Reduce The Size Of The Breasts

Breast Reduction surgery is a procedure to reduce the size of the breasts for either aesthetic or functional issues. Some women suffer with neck, shoulder and back pain due to their overly large breasts. Breasts that are too large for the frame of a woman’s body may also hinder athletic activities, make finding clothing that fits well difficult and can even disrupt sleep. For some women, the decision to undergo Breast Reduction may simply be a personal aesthetic preference or...

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Facelift – Put Your Best Face Forward

Our faces are the first thing people see when they greet you and it’s also one of the first areas of our body to be effected by the signs of aging. First comes the fine lines, sun spots, and creases, then comes wrinkles and sagging skin. When this happens our faces are losing some of their vital elasticity. Did you ever see the trick where a young person and an older person pinch the top of their hands? The young...

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Create A Tighter – More Defined Arm Through Brachioplasty

Stubborn fat that is unresponsive to diet and exercise can make us feel defeated. We have all been naturally predisposed to hold on to weight in different areas of our bodies, as has been defined by our genetic make-up. One common complaint is in the area of the upper arms. It’s not just something that happens to older people, either, even younger people have stubborn fat pockets that can be more resistant to diet and exercise. It is also very...

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Get More Defined Jaw Line with Chin Implants

Our faces are our calling cards, how people remember us by, and we want to make a good impression. Unfortunately, we don’t have a say as to which genes our parents pass down to us. Many people wish they had a stronger more defined jaw line, or a less prominent chin. Sometimes a weak chin can make an average sized nose seem more exaggerated than it actually is or, on the other hand, a strong chin can cause an average...

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Improves The Appearance of Face with Facelift

Face lift is a surgical procedure that improves the appearance of facial skin which has sagged due to the aging process. Dr. Ashpole will remove excess skin on the face and tighten the muscles. The goal of a facelift is to take a few years off the clock and leave you feeling more youthful and refreshed. Consult your plastic surgeon for details about your specific recovery time as every patient is different. This procedure is very common for men and...

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