As you should with any procedure you have done, you probably have questions about vein treatment in Northbrook if you’re considering this treatment for yourself or a loved one. To help you get comfortable with the idea of vein treatment in Northbrook, Dr. Ashpole is happy to answer any questions you might have in-person at a consultation. For now, though, there’s a good chance you’ll find an answer to your question in the following Frequently Asked Questions about vein treatment in Northbrook.
What are My Options?
If you’ve done a bit of research on vein treatment, you’ll quickly find that there isn’t just one way to treat veins. Different patients have different needs and there are also different types of veins that may require treatment. Vein treatment may involve injections, laser treatments, small incisions, punctures, or (as a last resort) surgery.
Is it Safe?
Even if you’re not a doctor, you probably know that veins are important components of your body’s circulatory and respiratory system. However, when you’re receiving vein treatment, so long as you’re going to a professional like Dr. Ashpole, you can rest assured that the veins being removed are safe to remove.
What Can I Do About Unsightly Veins?
Though it’s often the best option if your condition has progressed, you can also take measures to avoid varicose and spider veins besides vein treatment. To reduce your chances of developing unsightly veins, it’s important to exercise, avoid standing or sitting for long periods of time, maintain a healthy weight, and/or use compression stockings.
What Causes Varicose and Spider Veins?
These types of veins often appear in a more visible way when the blood within those veins starts to pool. A problem with the valves on the interior of your vein is often the root cause of blood pooling. As the pooling occurs, the blood vessel wall gets weaker due to the pressure within the vein. Many factors can cause this condition which includes obesity, aging, heredity, gender, and prior trauma.
What are the Symptoms?
Generally, you’ll be able to see varicose or spider veins, but if you can’t, you can usually feel their effects. For example, a tingling or burning sensation, cramping, or throbbing in your legs may be an indication that you have varicose veins. Fortunately, varicose veins generally aren’t a significant health risk but they can be a precursor to blood clots or ulcers.